About our service : ticket to the shows.
One of the many dreams that most travelers to Russia have is to enjoy a local show, but sometimes online ticket purchases bring surprises that in 100% of the cases cannot be arranged.
For most tourists it costs a lot of work and a lot of money to get tickets to the shows before coming to Russia, we have heard of cases that they paid up to 10 times the normal price of a ticket
There are many websites that abuse with this type of unethical behavior.
With our service tickets to shows; We make sure that the visitor pays what is fair and correct to be able to enjoy the shows (Ballets, Opera, Folkloric Shows, Circus, Sports …).
In order to benefit from this service, all you have to do is book a tour with us; since it is an additional service for our clients to enjoy their stay in Russia even more.
It is worth mentioning that this service that we offer to our clients does not involve advance payments, a factor that gives travelers more peace of mind.
In addition to the advantages that we have already mentioned; in many cases you need someone who knows the details related to the shows and where they are held; the result, the client is assured that they will enjoy exactly what they have been dreaming of for a long time.
Our goal first of all is to offer complete services that offer, in addition to the enjoyment of the trip, tranquility and comfort at all times.
Combine your tours in Russia with the best shows; and let our guides adapt the tour itinerary and the schedule so you don’t waste a minute of your time.
Feel free to contact us for more details.